Responsive and sturdy at amazing prize. The high carbon content and quality of this mast will ensure performance and incredible durability. A reflex close to a 100% carbon mast that will lighten the feeling of any rig. It’s no compromise between performance and durability, but a must have. Inverted ferrule for higher balance and structural strength.
Detailní popis produktu
Thanks to update of new machineries, we were able to work out a new finish from our masts and introduce new technology in the constructions. 2 versions only, to simplify and offer only the best.
Most of the masts might look the same, but often produced by different manufactures with different machinery, materials, climates, and technology, Even if the curve or Imcs numbers might be the same, the performance outcome once down hauled in a sail, will be different. Being the backbone of your windsurfing sail, it makes a very important accessory for the rig. The same as having a suit tailor made. The masts have been re-worked as they need to offer in the different sizes, different performance. A 400rdm needs to power up a light wind 5.6 wave sail or high winds catapults on a small slalom sail, while a 340 needs to hold huge landings in extreme conditions on a 3.3 wave sail. The curve and stiffness of the mast needs to be developed accordingly. Most of the masts on the market are constant curve, but this is only a general term to explain the characteristics. What is important is the curve percentages values of the bottom and top sections of the mast, including materials, shapes, and reflex. These are values which are very different in each sail brand, and often kept secret. Therefore, the best efficiency is reached by having an integrated rig.
Once you take out the mast from its mast bag, do not be thinking that something is wrong. The ferrule is part of the top, and not part of the bottom anymore. Therefore, the rdm is now being called RDM-I. After testing with our wave team, the masts, we have discovered that landing hard flat or nosedive jumps, was creating extra stress to the top, where the ferrule would enter it. By having the ferrule being part of the top, the stress is taken out and the tops do not suffer the extra stress that could bring in the worst case to breakages. We have decided to clean up our RDM-I range by offering 2 very distinctive models. The K87 and the K97. 87% carbon mast to bring a durable mast with the highest carbon % possible. A 100% carbon mast is the K97, but with extra reinforcements to give the extra durability to the normal 100%, making itself a 97% carbon mast. A new rubber cap at the joints, to clean up the inside part of the mast from dirt, while uniting the top to the base.
K87 CARBON MAST: Responsive and sturdy at amazing prize. The high carbon content and quality of this mast will ensure performance and incredible durability. A reflex close to a 100% carbon mast that will lighten the feeling of any rig. It’s no compromise between performance and durability, but a must have. Inverted ferrule for higher balance and structural strength.
WHY THIS MAST: An extra catapult, an extra crash, long time rigged, this mast will not suffer. Best compromise between price, performance, and durability. A touch higher glass content and with a touch lower carbon percentage, for better protection against breakage.
Velikost |
% |
Bottom % |
Top % |
Type |
Compatible with |
Base (g) |
Top (g) |
Weight (g) |
340 | 87 | 63 | 15 | 75 | Constant Curve | Constant Curve | 640 | 600 | 1240 |
370 | 87 | 63 | 17 | 75 | Constant Curve | Constant Curve | 890 | 500 | 1390 |
400 | 87 | 63 | 19 | 75 | Constant Curve | Constant Curve | 1010 | 590 | 1600 |
430 | 87 | 63 | 21 | 75 | Constant Curve | Constant Curve | 1080 | 820 | 1900 |
Doplňkové parametry
Kategorie: | RDM - Tenký průměr |
Materiál: | 87% Carbon |
? Typ: | Constant Curve |
? Průměr: | RDM |
#sizes_table#: | hidden |
Buďte první, kdo napíše příspěvek k této položce.
Point-7 je vzrušující příběh, který se začal psát v roce 2005 díky vizionáři Andreovi Cucchimu. Když spatřil obrovský potenciál pro inovaci a obnovení zájmu o windsurfing v nové generaci, rozhodl se vykročit směrem k tomuto ambicióznímu cíli.
Jeho odvaha spojila osobní výzvu s podnikatelským duchem. Chtěl vytvořit zbrusu novou značku, která by dokázala konkurovat gigantům na trhu windsurfingového vybavení a získat uznání na světové windsurfingové scéně, včetně prestižní PWA (Professional Windsurfers Association).
Příběh začíná v okamžiku, kdy Andrea nemohl naskočit do letadla na svou plánovanou akci v Turecku. Letadlo náhle změnilo trasu a jeho vybavení se do něj nevešlo. Místo zoufalosti využil tento nečekaný volný čas k zahájení svého projektu. Oslovil tři lidi s otázkou, zda by mohli podpořit jeho nápad. Možná se ne všichni přidali k projektu, ale všichni sdíleli nadšení pro vytvoření něčeho nového a odvážného.
Zvláště jeho otec, Roberto Cucchi, stál u zrodu této nové značky a nadále ji podporuje. Jeho zkušenosti a vášeň jsou stále klíčovými pilíři společnosti Point-7. Roberto zůstává aktivní a stále přináší nové nápady, které pomáhají posouvat tuto značku vpřed.
Point-7 je tak příběhem odvahy, odhodlání a rodinného ducha, který spojil vizionářského syna s podnikavým otcem, aby vytvořili značku, která dnes patří mezi špičky ve světě windsurfingu.
Více na jejich webu.