Plovák JP Freak Foil Pro


Okamžitě si všimnete, že tato deska je VELMI krátká! Je to nejkratší deska v řadě windsurfových desek JP – jednoduše proto, aby byla hmotnost švihu super nízká pro rychlé a lehké rotace. 

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66 000 Kč
Dostupnost: Na objednávku
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Kód: 241218
Plovák JP Freak Foil Pro
<span>Doprava zdarma</span> již při nákupu nad 2000,-
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od 2000,- Kč
Rychlé doručení do 24 hodin
Doručení do 24 hodin
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Detailní popis produktu

A board for no foil limits! A board to play. A board for the new foil freestyle discipline which is announced and on the horizon. A board to go wild.FOIL STYLING

THE board for riders who accept no limits: no matter whether you want to do your wild moves with sail or wing, there are plugs for your ideal foot strap position. Super short and compact, the board offers a noticeably low swing weight, making rotations effortless and fast. Getting into flying mode comes naturally and allows for spectacular moves even in light winds. At the same time, you can keep foiling even when the conditions get rough. Water time will increase for every rider. This PRO edition features JP Freestyle’s proven Carbon Innegra layup with long track boxes for foil attachment, plus a carrying handle in the bottom.

Přečíst více

You’ll immediately notice that this board is VERY short! It’s the shortest board in JP’s windsurf range – simply to keep the swing weight super low for fast and effortless rotations.
Yes, it requires a light footed and advanced foil rider, obviously, but at the same time shaper Werner Gnigler stresses the fact that it is not too short either: It’s well-mannered ‘enough’, so that not only the very best of experts will be able to handle it and getting into flight mode comes naturally.

In the air, the direct trim setup dominates the feel: The short distance between mast base and foil converts every pull of the toe into fast moves. No matter whether you want to ride waves or go for the next air or carving move, the response from the board is immediate and direct. The well-shaped deck in the strap area and the double footstrap plugs play a major role in the board’s instant reaction to foot steering: The feet have great grip in the three centred footstraps for perfect control over rails and foil. The boards come with additional plugs for a more freeride oriented stance as well as 3 centred plugs further forward for winging.
All straps are quite inboard to enhance the manoeuvre-oriented nature of the board. Consequently, the centre and tail are not as wide as on more freeride oriented foil boards.

The track box system satisfies most needs: The long tracks for the foil’s plate head quickly became the standard for manoeuvre oriented boards and are currently the best for wing foiling, too. Being able to adjust not only the mast track, but the foil as well, allows the rider to tune this board exactly to their own specific foiling style – and the scale helps you to find the right position for the foil, every time.

The Freak Foil comes in our well-known PRO edition technology featuring the durable Carbon Innegra material.
The handle in the bottom makes it easy to carry with the foil mounted.

A board for no foil limits! A board to play. A board for the new foil freestyle discipline which is announced and on the horizon. A board to go wild.
A board for you?



Is this model right for you?









Ease & Comfort 



Full-on manoeuvre and freestyle foil board

Very nimble and versatile

Super short for quick response and fast aerial rotations

Wing option

Carry handle in the bottom

2 very long track boxes (U.S.)


Length (cm)184
Width (cm)60.5
Volume (l)95
Weight (kg)7,4
Fin box2 long track boxes
Rec. sail size<6.2
Ideal sail size<5.5



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The strong construction is built to last and can take all the forces. The plate mount and the Tuttlebox fitting cover all needs and rider preferences. Being able to adjust not only the mast track, but the Foil as well, allows the rider to tune this board exactly to their own specific foiling style – and the scale helps you to locate the right position of the foil.



For high durability: The parabolic rail reinforcements work like a stringer along the rail and are resistant to impact and paint chipping and increase the stiffness.


Four screws per strap = 100% anti-twist! No annoying twist anymore.


Your friends and family constantly take your board and change the size of your footstraps? No problem anymore! JP's Footstrap scale allows easy adjustment to the foot size.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Prkna na foil
Rok výroby: 2024
Finbox: Foil-Plate
#sizes_table#: hidden
? Poutka: v cenně
Fina: musí se dokoupit

JP & NP Windsurf Launch 2024

WindSurf & Wing launch 2024

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Nevyplňujte toto pole:

JP-Australia, založená Jasonem Polakowem v roce 1997, je uznávaná značka ve světě windsurfingu, známá pro své kvalitní a inovativní produkty. Specializují se na windsurfingové plováky, které jsou navrženy pro různé stylů ježdění - od freeride přes wave až po race a foil. V sortimentu JP-Australia najdete také SUP prkna a příslušenství. Spolupráce značky JP-Australia se značkou NeilPryde umožňuje kombinovat jejich windsurfingové plováky s kvalitními plachtami a komponenty od NeilPryde, což zajišťuje komplexní řešení pro windsurfery. JP-Australia je známá svým důrazem na inovace a výkon svých produktů.

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